My name is Pascal Glatzfelder. I am a visual designer, and I like to illustrate factual and scientific oriented topics. By creating effective visual illustrations and visualizations, I aim to enhance the understanding of the reader.
I work with authors who are usually involved in research and development. Professionals who are active in a wide variety of fields and have developed findings. Communicating these in a target-oriented way sometimes requires suitable visuals.

– Vision & Mission –
I passionately transform facts into visually perceptible information carriers. This results in attractive images that create an experience for the user and focus on the core message. As complex as the message may sometimes be, it must serve the user to understand the facts and act accordingly. Clear communication thus ensures the safe use of products and builds trust. The resulting identification with your products or services often proves to be customer-bonding.
My service includes creating customer-focused, insightful visualizations for effective knowledge transfer. For labeling purposes, I create illustrations and layouts for packaging that comply with legal requirements. This also includes visualizations, such as step-by-step instructions in technical communication.
– Interests & Ideology –
Safety-related user guidance, reconstructions & simulations, awareness of environmental issues, medical aspects in humans and animals or in sports, editorial design, and much more. I am open to a wide range of topics. It is the causal connections between humans, technology, and nature that fascinate me. I visualize the mostly complex issues in a simplified and understandable way. My work thus proves to be an important part of efficient communication.
– Design Process –
For me, quality and reliability are important aspects. That’s why I deal intensively with the facts at the beginning of every project. Only when I understand the essential details, I am able to generate added value. By regularly discussing the interim results, we lay the foundation for a mutually satisfactory outcome. A structured approach is helpful here. I appreciate a loyal and constructively friendly cooperation. After all, the result reflects in a certain sense the quality of the cooperation.
– Experience & Skills –
I have a bachelor’s degree in scientific visualization aka knowledge visualization and worked previously in medical technology for many years. After graduation, I worked for two years as a veterinary illustrator at the Vetsuisse Faculty of the University of Zurich. You can find my detailed profile on LinkedIn.
Preferably, I work with applications that generate vector graphics. As a visual designer who likes to experiment, I am constantly developing my skills. Therefore, I can also offer animation, photography, pixel-based image editing and 3D.
“Sometimes, you need images to tell the story effectively.”

Graphical contributions to several scientific publications:
Beer, P, Knell, SC, Pozzi, A, Park, BH. Biomechanical comparison of ex vivo lumbar vertebral fracture luxations stabilized with tension band or polymethylmethacrylate in cats. Veterinary Surgery. 2020; 1– 10.
Lampart, M, Knell, SC, Pozzi, A. Ein neuer Ansatz für die Therapieauswahl bei Hunden mit Kreuzbanderkrankung: Patientenspezifische Behandlungsempfehlungen. Klinik für Kleintierchirurgie, Vetsuisse Fakultät, Universität Zürich, Schweiz. SAT – Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde. 2020; 345 – 364.
L.A. Smolders, S.C. Knell, B. Park, A. Pozzi, B.P. Meij, F. Steffen. The effects of foraminotomy and intervertebral distraction on the volume of the lumbosacral intervertebral neurovascular foramen: An ex vivo study. The Veterinary Journal, Volume 256, 2020.
Zoller, Eliana. Mikroskopische Untersuchung der Pferdezähne und ihrer Umgebung. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse-Faculty.
Kuratli Jasmin, Borel Nicole. Perspective: Water-Filtered Infrared-A-Radiation (wIRA) – Novel Treatment Options for Chlamydial Infections? Frontiers in Microbiology: 10, 2019; 1053.
Castelli, E, Pozzi, A, Klisch, K, Scotti, L, Hoey, S, Dennler, M. Comparison between high?field 3 Tesla MRI and computed tomography with and without arthrography for visualization of canine carpal ligaments: A cadaveric study. Veterinary Surgery. 2019; 48: 546– 555.
Lüscher, Muriel. Biomechanical comparison of knotted and knotless stabilization techniques of the tarsal medial collateral ligament in cats: a cadaveric study. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse-Fakultät.
McGrosky, A, Meloro, C, Navarrete, A, et al. Gross intestinal morphometry and allometry in primates. Am J Primatol. 2019; 81:e23035.
Christian Schiffmann, Jean-Michel Hatt, Stefan Hoby, Daryl Codron, Marcus Clauss. Elephant body mass cyclicity suggests effect of molar progression on chewing efficiency.
Mammalian Biology, Volume 96, 2019, Pages 81-86.
Rickenbacher, Leonie. Morphologische Untersuchung des Musculus interosseus medius und seiner Umgebung beim einjährigen Rind. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse-Faculty.